You are here: Dash and Deck Lights > 4 Quad(4) Head LED Dash/Decklight
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4 Quad(4) Head LED Dash/Decklight


Product Description

12 or 24 Volt versions

16 Selectable flash patterns

Includes suction cup mount, side brackets and power cord with inline on/off switch

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12 Volt
24 Volt
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4 Quad(4) Head LED Dash/Decklight 
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Emergency Vehicle Lights, Amps, Sirens & LED Bars

Port Elizabeth Branch

  +27(0)82 894 6400


68 Pickering Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth

Eastern Cape, South Africa 

East London Branch

  +27(0)82 894 6400


5A Hitec Business Park, Leo Laden Road, Wilsonia

East London, South Africa

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